Shareholders’ Nomination Board

Lemonsoft Oyj’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board is a body comprised of the Company’s shareholders or their representatives, the duty of which is to prepare proposals on the election and remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) for the Annual General Meeting and, when necessary, for the Extraordinary General Meeting.

The primary purpose of the Nomination Board is to ensure that the Board and its members have sufficient expertise, competence and experience in view of the Company’s needs, and to prepare proposals, with justifications, on the election and remuneration of members of the Board to the General Meeting for this purpose.

The Nomination Board consists of three members which represent the Company’s three largest shareholders, or the representatives nominated by such shareholders. The Chairman of the Board acts as an expert member of the Nomination Board, provided that the Chairman is not a member of the Nomination Board on other grounds.
