Key figures

Unaudited EUR thousand, unless otherwise indicated

Net sales28 91126 3446)22 5506)17 2276)13 5886)10 6396)
Net sales growth, %9,7 %16,8 %30,9 %26,8 %27,7 %12,2 %
SaaS20 77419 14616 98912 99610 3167 559
Transaction3 2992 2651 1721 084956848
Consulting and other4 8384 9334 3903 1482 316848
Gross margin24 97322 79219 98215 38011 9419 300
Gross margin, % of net sales86,4%86,5%88,6%89,3%87,9%87,4%
EBITDA7 3298 2157 3324 2314 7943 504
EBITDA, % of net sales25,3 %31,2 %32,5 %24,6 %35,3 %32,9 %
Adjusted EBITDA 3)7 5227 9517 5895 6354 6833 511
Adjusted EBITDA, % of net sales26,0 %30,2 %33,7 %32,7 %34,5 %33,0 %
EBIT5 4046 8906)6 5943 0706)3 9066)3 1396)
EBIT, % of net sales18,7 %26,2 %29,2 %17,8 %28,7 %29,5 %
Adjusted EBIT 4)6 4447 1957 0545 4114 4283 283
Adjusted EBIT, % of net sales22,3 %27,3 %31,3 %31,4 %32,6 %30,9 %
Profit (Loss) of the period4 0315 3496)5 1282 2726)2 9766)2 4846)
Profit (Loss) of the period, % of net sales13,9 %20,3 %22,7 %13,2 %21,9 %23,3 %
Equity ratio, %60,4 %61,9 %69,7 %75,0 %61,6 %77,9 %
Net debt2 7551 010-8 661-3 099-3 099-3 776
Gearing, %8,5 %3,3 %-32,9 %-71,7 %-44,3 %-68,5 %
Earnings per share (EPS) 5)0,220,290,280,390,180,15
Return on invested capital (ROIC), %13,0 %18,1 %22,5 %
Return on equity (ROE), %12,8 %18,9 %21,2 %
Number of employees at the end of the period22820818415311079
Outstanding shares at the end of the period18 656 70218 562 00518 393 44018 273 726680680
Average outstanding shares during the period18 604 13318 527 91418 343 5595 879 408680680
  • 1) A group structure requiring the preparation of consolidated financial statements was formed in 2020.
  • 2) The Group has transitioned from reporting in accordance with FAS to reporting in accordance with IFRS on 1.1.2022.
  • 3) Adjusted EBITDA is EBITDA adjusted by M&A expenses and other significant non-recurring items affecting comparability
  • 4) Adjusted EBIT is EBIT adjusted by amortisation of intangible assets related to business combinations, M&A expenses and other significant non-recurring items affecting comparability
  • 5) The share split has been considered in 2018-2021 figures
  • 6) Audited

Calculation of key figures

Key figureCalculation of key figures
Gross marginNet sales + Other operating income - Materials and services
EBITDAEBIT+ Depreciation and amortisation
Adjusted EBITDAEBIT + Depreciation and amortisation + M&A expenses +/- Other significant non-recurring items affecting comparability
Operating profit (EBIT)Net sales + Other operating income - Materials and services - Employee benefit expenses - Other operating expenses - Depreciation and amortisation
Adjusted EBITEBIT - Covid-19 reduction of pension contribution - Business Finland’s aid + M&A costs + IPO costs + Goodwill amortization
Equity ratio, %Equity +/- Non-controlling interests x100 / (Balance sheet total - Advances received)
Net debtLoans from credit institutions + Lease liabilities - Cash and cash equivalents
Gearing, %(Loans from credit institutions + Lease liabilities - Cash and cash equivalents) x100 / Equity
Earnings per share (EPS)Profit (loss) for the period attributable to owners of the parent company / Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the financial year
Return on invested capital (ROIC), %(Profit (loss) for the period + Financial expenses + Tax expense) / (Equity + Loans from credit institutions + Lease liabilities)
Return on equity (ROE), %Profit (loss) for the period / ((Equity at the beginning of the period + Equity at the end of the period) /2)